13 Happiness BE Habits

Happiness is a state of mind that can be achieved by practicing certain habits that shape our state of mind and put us in the happy state.
Throughout my journey of creating numerous successful businesses, I have adopted 13 habits that have led me to achieve both happiness and success. These habits are innate to all of us; however, we tend to develop opposing habits due to factors such as upbringing, education, working environment, friends, and family.
I encourage you to go through these habits and assess if you possess them. If not, make an effort to cultivate them once more for a happiness life.

Here are the 13 habits for a happy and successful life:

  1. Be Clear – Clarity is the most important to achieve success which brings happiness, it’s important to have clarity about what you want and how you plan to get there. Set clear goals for yourself and create a roadmap to achieve them.
  2. Be Decisive – Procrastination can be the enemy of progress. When you’re faced with a decision, make it quickly and confidently. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they’re part of the learning process.
  3. Be Visionary – Take time to envision your future and what you want it to look like. Dream big and create your own world. The possibilities are endless if you allow yourself to think beyond the limitations of today.
  4. Be Excellent – Whatever you do, strive for excellence. Continuously learn and improve yourself. The more excellent you are, the more opportunities will come your way.
  5. Be Focused – Multitasking is a myth. To achieve your goals, focus on one task at a time. Eliminate distractions and concentrate your energy on one task.
  6. Be Urgent – Develop a sense of urgency and get things done in real-time. Don’t wait until the last minute to start working on something.
  7. Be Sensible – Think before you act. Consider the consequences of your actions and ask yourself if they make sense. Think about the future and results.
  8. Be Creative – Innovation and creativity are key to success. Look for ways to do things differently and more efficiently. Remove unnecessary steps to save time and energy.
  9. Be Considerate – Be mindful of your health, your environment, and the people around you. Choose your words wisely and consider how they will make others feel. Increase your knowledge on different subjects, sales, religions, and cultures.
  10. Be Committed – Stay committed to your goals, your job, your life, your family, and your afterlife. Don’t give up when things get tough.
  11. Be Courageous – Courage is necessary to achieve anything worthwhile. Face your fears and keep moving forward, even when you’re afraid.
  12. Be Unstoppable – Life will throw you curveballs, but don’t let them stop you from pursuing your dreams. Keep pushing forward, no matter what.
  13. Be Confident – Confidence comes from doing things over and over again. Practice, learn, and grow. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

Always stay in the happy state!

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Happiness Killing Habits

Happiness Killers!

Benjamin Franklin wrote
“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”

—– This flower was showered with water from the sprinkler this morning. The care and routine to make this plant bloom helps this plant bring joy to people every single day.
—– Life circumstances have little to do with happiness because much of happiness is under our control and the result of our habits and our outlook on life.
—– Psychologists from the University of California, Los Angeles, who study happiness, found that genetics and life circumstances only account for about 52% of a persons’ happiness. The rest is up to us.
—– The good news is that 48% is under my control to stay happy or unhappy. In order to stay happy, I have eliminated or controlled my happiness killing habits. It was not easy, but I think I am 95% there. It required setting a goal to stay in the Happy State and making a COMMITMENT. Once I made a commitment, I told myself, my family, my friends, my kids’ friends, co-workers and even strangers what I was doing. When I tell others publicly, I have more reasons to stay committed to my goal as I must do what I say. I learned that when I announce to people I have a goal, they help me stay on track to achieve my goal. Friends created a public Facebook page for me to share my happiness tips. And friends started introducing me as to he happiness guy. My family and friends started sending me photos of flowers to share the happiness as they know flowers always make me happy.
—– There are many happiness killing habits which we acquired over time without our even realizing as they’re a reaction to external events or the negative people we interact act with. Below are few habits which, I discovered by reading books, from happy people, and my own life lessons that I learned to avoid at all costs in order to in the Happy State.

Happiness Killers (UnHappy Habits):

  1. Waiting for the future: Telling yourself, “I’ll be happy when …” is one of the easiest unhappy habits to fall into. I will be happy when I get a job, I will be happy when I get promoted, I will be happy when I buy a house or car…

I learned that I must live and cherish today and not wait for the future event for my happiness.

  1. Spending too much time and effort acquiring “things.” Material things don’t make me happy. They may make me happy for few hours but then the novelty wears off. I must only acquire things which makes me stay fit, healthy and that helps me achieve my goals. I must not acquire things just to show off or for the what people will say syndrome. I must never live life based on what people will say. I learned that I must live life by doing what makes me happy today – to not wait for tomorrow.
  2. Staying home. When I used to feel unhappy, it was tempting to avoid other people. I used to stay at home and not attend functions, parties or visit friends or family. I noticed that disconnecting from people creates more stress. I must avoid negative people but I must socialize with happy people as we are social beings by design.

I must plan my meetings with my family members and friends on a regular basis to stay in touch, share jokes and spread happiness. Regular communication with family, friends and strangers reduces stress, increases trust and happiness. Today it is lot easier to stay in touch through Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype, Twitter and LinkedIn. I share what I’m doing as sometimes someone may be able to provide their insights and also so people don’t have to ask what I’m doing. This is often the main question most people avoid to answer and the main reason people don’t want to show up at parties or visit friends. But it shouldn’t be something we stress about no matter where we are at in life.

  1. Seeing yourself as a victim. Unhappy people tend to operate from the default position that life is both hard and out of their control. In other words, “Life is out to get me, and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Yes it’s true that some people are more privileged than others and that life is harder for some. But I’d truly hope we wouldn’t give up on life because of that. Sometimes setting goals and creating an action plan can help us get through things one step at a time, even if change comes slowly. I promised myself that I’d never be a victim and instead become a helper so that I can learn each day how to handle situations about money, dealing with difficult people and growing myself in many different areas.
  2. Complaining. Complaining is a self-reinforcing behavior. By constantly talking, and therefore thinking negatively about how bad things are, I reaffirm my negative beliefs.

I learned from a former great manager named Bob Kim some lessons when I started as an engineer at Unisys 33 years ago. He told me that in his group no one is allowed to complain. He’d say if you have a problem, please bring 3 solutions to the table and he will pick one.

I learned, I must stop complaining and come up with at least three solutions to solve any problems we encounter. The solution should be fast to implement, have support from others and be financially realistic. I implemented this rule at my companies and it empowered employees to be the change they wanted to see. The bottom line is that nobody wants to be in a toxic environment – social or work wise. As toxicity festers and can consume us all. So you got to get out of that headspace.

  1. Not solving problems.
    Unhappy people, find problems and mistakes to be threatening, so they try to hide them. If we don’t solve and ignore problems they almost always get bigger. The more we don’t do anything about a problem, the more it starts to feel as though you can’t do anything about it. Positive thinking people tackle problems head on. They convert each problem into an opportunity and find people who can help them solve it.
  2. Not improving.
    Unhappiness keeps us away from learning and improving ourselves. If I don’t improve, I stay behind which makes me more unHappy and then I wonder why things never change.
    I must commit to learn, read books, attend conferences, signup for the gym to improve health and fitness.
  3. Pessimism.
    I must stay far away from pessimism.
    It is the tendency to expect the worst in everything. A pessimist on an airplane is sure the plane is missing some essential part that won’t be noticed until it falls from the sky. If I expect bad things, I am more likely to get bad things. I don’t want to be known as as pessimist.
  4. Envy.
    Jealousy or envy are incompatible with happiness, so if I am constantly comparing myself with others, it’s time to stop. In one study, most subjects said that they’d be okay with making less money, but only if everybody else did too. I be wary of this kind of thinking as it won’t make me happy. I set my own goals and accomplish them.
  5. Perfection.
    Perfection kills happiness. No one is perfect. I must not kill my happiness to be 100% perfect because it will never be achieved. I must strive for perfection but not stress myself to achieve 100% perfection as 100% perfection can not be achieved in me or in my work. Once I understand this simple rule, I can be happy.
  6. Fear.
    Fear is natural emotion to protect us. But if I stay in fear all the time, I will kill my happiness. I must face my fear. I will make a list of things that make me fearful and. I will create a plan to overcome my fears one by one.
  7. Staying in the past.
    I must forgive and forget my bad past and only remember the good things. I must train my mind to be present and live in the moment as yesterday is gone and not going to come back again. No one knows what tomorrow brings – if it even comes – so it’s always important to live for today.

—– Changing my habits has brought greater happiness. But it’s also important for another reason: taking control of my happiness helps me also bring happiness to everyone around me.

—– I am committed to Happiness and I wish you would commit to it too – that is if you haven’t already.

You can reach Jauher Zaidi at jauher@moobila.com

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Happiness Sadness


There is more sadness today as many have lost close family members and friends to COVID-19 and now to Omicron.

The news shows consistently people loosing life and their life saving due to nature disasters, people loosing money due to stock market crash or crypto crash. People loosing hope due to political parties and California or the entire world is facing a extreme inflation.

People are stuck in their house for almost two years. There is no end of the sad stories.

People ask me how can you stay happy when so much sadness is part of our life?

My simple answer is I woke up today and get to play another day. That is why I am happy. I am grateful for one more day to collect and spread happiness.

When I experience a sad day, I wonder why sadness is part of our lives. The real question is what is sadness?

I know happiness and sadness are part of my life. Without sadness, I can’t be happy. It’s similar to without night, I can’t see a daylight.

Even though I am in the happy state most of the time, I know that happy state can easily be replaced by the sad state in blink of an eye.

I have learned that happiness can’t exist without sadness.

The eternal happiness simply doesn’t exist on this earth. I am taught It’s belongs in paradise or next life.

Sadness is a vital emotion that we can’t turn off when we hear a sad news or see people suffering. Even if we could, we shouldn’t want to suppress it. Sad events in our lives help us better appreciate and be grateful for the happy times in our life.

Happiness and sadness are related.

Our mind is consist of right and left brains. I believe, right brain is connected to the higher power and has no limits what we can achieve and be creative in making this world better and happy place.

On the other hand left brain is logical. It’s evaluate each events logically. It is a gate keeper, it job is to protects us and to keep us alive. It controls our happy and sad feelings. It’s makes decisions according to how much we have learned or experienced life. That is why more we learn about the this world, the more we become sad and helpless which put us in the sad state.

Sadness is a natural feeling, it is one of those things that make us human. Being sad is a natural reaction to anything that causes us pain, disappointment, or suffering.

So how do we cope with sadness? How do we make ourselves feel a little less sad in times of distress or when we loose someone dear to us.

To me life gives us full freedom to create our life painting. Our Life was painting requires different mix of colors. We create our life painting with our unique mix of happiness and sadness colors that everybody sees when they meet us. If we have bright colors, we give happiness, if we have dark colors, we drain their happiness.

I have experienced with my mother, where ever she went, she brightens the room with her presence. She would bring happiness to anyone and to any event.

I have several friends when I talk to them or see them my happiness gets charged.

I also have noticed many occasions that when I meet a certain person, I lose all my energy and feel helpless and sad.

Everyone one of us emits energy. We must learn what energy we are emitting even we don’t say a word. Positive and negative energies are developed they way we react to the events in our life. We must learn to control our negative energy to minimum emission level.

I have learned by reading books and with my personal experiences that we can’t control worldly events and people but we can control our reactions to them to stay in the happy state by training our left brain.

Things I can not control:

* The health and well-being of the people I love.

* The health and well-being of myself (everybody can get sick).

* The weather, the storm or earthquake.

* The stock market or crypto currency.

* My car can break down or my flight can get delayed or cancel

* The outcome of an elections

* COVID-19 or other illness and death

* Many other things which I can not control, like universe, my thoughts.

All these things causes sadness at some point in our lives. These external events steal our current moments of happiness and makes us feel helpless and put us in deep sad state which is very very hard to get out.

Even if we somehow manage to get rid of every single negative events then we still not guaranteed eternal happiness on this earth.

In fact, it’s important to know that happiness and sadness are constantly moving and evolving aspects of our lives.

When I walk on the beach, I see our life is like a ocean tides.

Our happiness moves up and down without having the ability to control it.

If we are feeling sad and unhappy at this moment, we need to know that happiness will inevitably find its way back into happiness.

Our happiness moves like a tide, and we can’t control the waves but we can practice and learn to ride those high tides and stay above the waves.

Happiness and sadness are like night and day. We must sleep at sadness and stay in the happy state. We must train our left brain to listen to our right brain to release positive energies to spread happiness.

Always stay in the happy state!

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It’s Non of Your Business!

In actuality, it is your business.

The start of a new year is a great time to have business review to know where it stands and create a execution plan for the new year.

Planning for a New Year!

First Monday of the new year, I review my businesses to check where they currently stand.

It is important to list down three business goals for the year and create one page execution plan to achieve them.

• How is business performing?

• What are the business goals for the new year?

• What are the profitable ways to meet business goals?

As each year, new technologies advancements, new business models, new geopolitical situation and unexpected events like COVID can change course of any business. We must listen to our customers and the environment to adjust and plan for new year.

Set Business Goals

Evaluate numbers to determine where is your business stands. Set goals to accomplish where you want to take your business this year.

Be specific.

1. Sales target: Increase revenue 30% in the USA and 10% globally.

2. New product release by March 31st.

3. Setup new design center by June 1st.

Team Goals:

Operation, Marketing & Sales must be tied to

• BusIness Vision: Why did you start this business? Make sure all employees know and understand the company vision. Every action to generate a sales or develop a new technology or a service must serve the vision.

• Business Mission: It is the specifics of what business would like to accomplish in short time whether it’s developing a technology to help reduce water waste or providing a best price or service to customers to generate sale.

• Value Proposition: What would you like your employees and customers to experience? Great Service, lowest price or excellent quality. Every business need to articulate clearly the benefit for the customer. Why they should buy your product or service.

Articulating these three things to operation, marketing sales and support teams – business vision, current mission, and value proposition – will help create great strategy to accomplish this year goals.

The execution plan will affect everything from the number of employees you hire to the types of goods and services you offer.

Do a Business Check

I analyzed where business ideally like to be, figure out where business stands in relation to the goals. Sales figures are one way to measure how business is doing, but success can mean many things; it all comes down to what success means to YOU.

Money is likely a big factor, but it also helps to think in terms of company business vision and what kind of programs you have in place for your employees training and growth. Again, measure business against vision, mission and values proposition.

Choose Your Focus

Once we know where business is, compared to where it should be, we can start working out a focus plan on how to get there. Many times we make mistakes to list too many things to accomplish. In my experience, reduce them to three (3) items will help focus and accomplish the plan.

Choosing just 3 things to concentrate on will help us achieve our goals. It may sound simple, but focus on your strengths and away from your weaknesses.

Say NO often

As we all have many ideas and opportunities, the trick is to always keep your vision for the company and its purpose in mind. Say NO and Reject any ideas or opportunities that don’t fit the company vision.

Also park your ideas that you don’t have the resources or money for later.

Those ideas may be wonderful, but you’ll need the experienced people, facilities, time and money to put your ideas into motion, so don’t plan what you can’t pull off. It is not easy but practice and strong will help to understand what we can accomplish and what we can’t.

Concentrate on longer-term business goals, like how to grow the business, improve the products and services you offer, and improve the way you run your company.

Say NO often and Focus on one thing at a time.

Evaluate Your Plan’s

Review your plan on monthly basis and adjust to stay on track.

Keep the eye on the ball.

That’s your business.

Create your Happiness 2022 plan today!

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Happiness Why

Why Happiness Matters?
Happiness is more than a feeling good or a smiley face or having material things. It’s the attitude of accepting ourself, our circumstances which we are put in everyday and learn to navigate our life, and the goal to make the very best of each day.

There is no secret sauce, there is no material things, there is no tomorrow events, there is no person, there is no place that can make us happy. It’s how we react to little things which makes us happy.

Here’s what researchers found when they studied happy people for 70 years:

  • Happy people are more successful.
  • Happy people are better at reaching goals.
  • Happy people are healthier.
  • Happy people live longer.
  • Happy people have better relationships.
  • Happy people quick learner.

I have learned from my children, my family, my friends, my investors, managing over 1200 employees and interacting with over 7300 people in past 40 years that I can not control anyone and anything except myself and my reaction to stay in the happy state every day.

It’s not easy. It requires daily practice.

We must have strong “WHY” to stay in the happy state.

We spend 1/3 of our life sleeping, 1/3 at work and 1/3 is left to do chores to survive, cooking, cleaning, taking kids to schools activities, taking care of parents, watching TV’s, listening to News, paying bills and worry about the world problems, which we have no control over.
We have no time left for daily interaction with family and friends to have fun. No time left for us to do the things we really would like to do. This mary go-around circle each day, creates stress and leads to sad state. This also leads to many physical and metal illnesses due to lack of nutrition and sleep.

My Happiness WHY is not to get into sad state!

Ingredients for a Happiness
Happiness is very important to navigate the earth journey.
Experts in this field have found that there are positive emotions not things that put people in the happy state.

Positive Emotions
Joy. Love. Gratitude. Amazement. Delight. Playfulness. Humor. Inspiration. Compassion. Hope. Creativity. Interest. Excitement. Enjoyment. Calm.
We all like to have these positive feelings.
Besides feeling good, positive emotions makes us do good things for our brains and bodies. They lower stress hormones, help ease anxiety and depression, and improve our immune system.
Feeling some positive emotions every day has a big effect on our happiness and well-being. That’s why it’s so important to do things that makes us happy. Even small things like going for a walk outdoors can ignite these happy feelings.
Practicing on how to manage our negative emotions can also ignite happiness. Setbacks and failures are a fact of life. But the way we react to them keeps us in the happy state.

Talents and Interests
When we do the things we’re built for and interested in is the key to happiness.
How do we know our talents and interest?

  • the things we’re interested in — for example, music, art, science, building things, cooking, reading and traveling
  • any skills we have — like painting, playing an instrument, or playing a sport, reading and teaching
  • our good qualities — such as helping, kindness, humor, or leadership

Happiness increases when we discover our talents and practice it. The more we practice our talents, the better we get until it becomes our habit.
When we get really good at doing something we get into the happy state.

Good Relationships
The people in our lives matter. Good family and friend relationships are one of the best ways to enjoy happiness, health, and peace.
Developing our emotional intelligence can help us keep good relationships. Plan to maintain regular contact with people is the key to the happy state.

Finding Purpose in Life
Our lives can be busy but slowing down to pay attention to what we’re doing and why we must find our purpose is very important for our happiness.
We must take time to think of what really matters.
Without a purpose we won’t get out of bed. We are built with helping others. We must find a purpose to help others as they give our life a sense of meaning and keep us in the happy state.

Celebrate our Achievements
When our lives are rich with positive emotions, great relationships, talents to practice, and a sense of purpose, we are in the happy state.
Setting and achieving goals gives us energy which ignite happiness.
We must never wait for happiness, we must plan and conquer our sad emotions and obstacles we have built to keep happiness outside. We must do it today, I say tomorrow never comes. It’s always today.
We must only do the things that matter to us. Do our best with what we have without a need to be a perfect. If things don’t work out at first, and they won’t, keep trying until they do. We must learn to believe in higher power and ourself at all times to stay in the happy state.

Happiness Why
Make someone smile and laugh today so that we and them stay away from sad state.

Always stay in the Happy State!


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Tips to maintain business relationships during the coronavirus shutdown

Like most of you, I have never experienced a global shutdown like this one. And as we can see, no one was really prepared for such a thing. 

With businesses not considered “essential” closed, many people are wondering what’s next? What will happen if people continue to lose their jobs and if businesses don’t open any time soon? 

While I am stuck at my home office, I have been wondering how I can help my customers during this time. And how businesses can still function in this current environment. 

Right now, you see many businesses already pivoting and redefining themselves to survive. I can only imagine what things will look like once this lockdown is over. 

As a CEO for the last twenty-plus years, I have experienced several downturns. I have had to make tough and timely decisions post-9/11 as well as during the 2008 financial meltdown. I had to do this to ensure Palmchip’s survival – to come up strong in order to serve our customers, employees and shareholders. It was difficult closing offices, laying off hardworking employees, canceling long-term leases and downsizing to smaller workspaces. And it’s something I would never wish upon anyone.

But I came out of those experiences with some takeaways: 

In the good times and especially the bad, businesses must focus on sales – selling with confidence, professionalism and passion. During the good times, the sales team sells, but during the tough times, every employee at all levels must become a sales person. So it’s all hands on deck during this pandemic. If companies don’t sell, they go out of business. Period.

What’s on our side today is that we have faster internet at home, video conferencing and messaging tools that make working remote as productive as the office – maybe even more productive for some. Here are some things that are helping to keep companies, where employees are lucky enough to be able to work remote, running: 

1. Sales tools: Use sales tracking tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, SugarCRM or any other tool which can be shared with your team to track progress.

2. Be proactive: Regardless of what industry you are in, print out a list of all your customers contact info. Call them, don’t sell anything, just check in with them. This is the time for your clients to know you care about them. Ask them if you could be of any help. This is the time to find out what your customers need and see how you can help support them. Their success is your success. And you might find new windows of opportunities together.

3. Follow-up emails: Try not to send a blanket email to your customers unless it is important information everyone should see. Email should be used for information, not communication. Email does not build relationships because it limits the exchange of ideas. Just like you probably do, I move mass emails to the trash if it doesn’t already get lost in the spam folder.

4. You can still have face-to-face communication: Skype, FaceTime, Zoom – these are just some of the many ways to communicate with your clients or customers, not just friends and family. And it’s something many companies are already doing. We all know the best way to build a relationship is through face-to-face interaction.

5. Be a helper: People do not want to be sold on something, they want to be helped – now more than ever. Ask people how they are doing. What stresses they have. Let others know you care and that you are there for them. The best relationships always win and there is no better time to form a relationship when times are tough. Customer are people and they remember who helped them during the challenging times. 

Jauher Zaidi is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, co-founder and chairman of Palmchip Corporation. He can be reached at Jauher.Zaidi@palmchip.com

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Happiness 2020

The 2020 will bring many opportunities to create happiness. This is a 2020 vision year. New technologies like AI, ML and Blockchain will help us to be more productive and secure.

Start of New Year is great time to analyze last year resolutions and create new ones.

Last year, I used these steps to make my resolution to focus on water saving technologies.

Steps to create new year resolution:

1. I think about the resolution many days before making it.

Is this the one that I truly want to make out of my own free will? (Without external pressure)

Selecting a resolution that is truly my own is the first step.

2. The burning reason: The more thought I put into “Why” I am making something my resolution will keep me going.

3. I make the resolution known. By doing this, it shows I am serious and committed. That there is no turning back. When I tell others, it increases the likelihood of following through on my commitment. I tell my family and friends. I share my new resolution on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.

—- My New Year Resolution -—

In 2019, I made the resolution to develop farming technology that will slash water use by 40% and bring Happiness to farmers and plants.

What was my burning desired.

Why I wanted to do this?

Water is becoming a scare resource. If we don’t do anything to reduce water use, there will be huge water shortages which will create conflicts between cities, states and countries. Already there are water conflicts going on in many places across the globe.

What I have achieved so far for my 2019 resolution:

1. I developed a farming App. Which will help farmers to monitor water usage, soil moisture, grain storage temperature, weather conditions, assign and track tasks.

2. I invested in GroGuru, a San Diego startup who invented a cutting edge under ground wireless sensor technology which provide moisture level, alkalinity and soil temperature to smart phone. Farmers can use this information to save water and increase crop production.

3. I developed and manufactured water saving device which help reduce water waste by detecting water leak and setting alarm.

4. I stop eating meat. I discovered that in order to make one hamburger. It takes 2200 gallons of water.

My 2020 resolution is to continue to develop and enhance technologies to reduce water waste and help increase water security.

I wish you all to stay in the Happy State in 2020.

What’s your 2020 resolution?

Share what is your 2020 resolution in the comments below.

#watershortage #slashwater #waterconflicts #happiness #happystate #newyearresolution #waterwars #2020 #vision

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7 Happiness Tricks

1. Smile

Smily face emits serotonin (the happy hormone). Smile is not just from the lips. Real smiles comes out from our eyes and enter through other person’s eye as love, peace and friendship.

When people take photo, I smile. As smile in a photo can last forever to ignite happiness whoever sees it.

2. Thankful

Saying “thank you” ignites gratitude. Gratitude is the most important ingredient of staying in the happy state. Thank you also acknowledge the other person’s deed/work, love and care for me.

3. Take Control

If I complain to everyone about how the economy, work, life and the government are bringing me down, I will bring everyone down within earshot and find myself alone with no one to blame. Instead, I take control of my current situation and be the harbinger of my own happiness.

4. Exercise

A physical movement strengthens our body and brain muscles. It is important that I plan exercise as I plan my other daily tasks. Exercise helps reduce stress, refresh oxygen, encourage blood flow, and even exposes us to sunlight (vitamin D), which helps absorb happiness.

5. Forgive and Forget

Sometime “Forgiveness” is hard to swallow, especially when my ego is in the way. I learned to suppress my Ego and to forgive quickly. It means to me to make space for happiness. Otherwise, I stay in a sad state, never at peace to move on to a happy state.

6. No regrets

I live life with no regrets as I know I can not go back in time to correct my mistakes or wipe out bad events. I know that regrets not only make me unhappy, it also take away my today’s happiness.

7. Create Happiness

I learned that if I focus my energy on creating and accumulating happiness moments, I will have enough happiness to share and make this life worth living.

Always stay in the happy state!

I encourage you to create your own happiness stories and share with people to spread happiness.

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Happiness SunFlower

By Jauher Zaidi

July 30, 2019

The old saying “Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.”

I planted this sunflower seed 8 weeks ago. With right dirt composition, temperature, water and sun, it has bloomed into beautiful sun flower. It grew to the right height first before the flower bud appeared and became a flower. It stands alone, each day focus itself towards Sun. It produces sunflower seeds which are good for our health.

What I learned from Sunflower:

1. Focus: How sunflower focus all day to not see the shadow. It turn its face to the sunshine and the shadows fall behind.

2. Patience: Growing sunflower from seed. It takes time to see results. Nothing happened overnight. Everything has a process.

3. Self Mastery: Sunflower stands alone. Runi wrote “It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”

Always stay in the Happy State.

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Happiness Reset


By Jauher Zaidi

July 24, 2019

Whenever, I have a setback by missing my goal, missing an opportunity or loosing an argument.

I do a “Happiness Reset” just like our Day. Sunset is a reset for the day. Our day leaves behind what ever we did today and it moves on.

I learned that I must pick up myself, collect my thoughts, reduce my yesterday baggage, decide how to remedy the setback and move on to new day.

Once, I let go the past and move on to present. It is a happiness Reset.

Happiness Reset: Process

1. Connect the dots – work & life-view. Keep focus on your #1 objective which is Happiness.

2. Gravity problem – off load any thing which pulling you down not letting you take off.

3. Create 3 five year Happiness plans. One for work, one for home and one to help God and people.

4. Start Prototyping, don’t wait until everything is perfect as it never will.

5. I always choose what is best for you first. The reason is if you don’t choose what is best for you. You won’t be happy. When you are not happy, You wont be creative or productive. If you don’t have happiness, you can’t give happiness.

When we practice these 5 steps. We design well lived happy life.

Every night push a “Happiness Reset” button. You will wake up in the morning smiling because you left your troubles behind and you are lucky to have an another day to follow your Happiness Plans.

Always stay in the Happy State.

#stonegate #fallbrook #sunset #happiness #plan #Happystate

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