FEAR is a four letter word

If you want to succeed and live a happy life, you need to get rid of four letters FEAR from your dictionary or vocabulary.

Someone said “FEAR stand for False Evidence Appear Real”. FEAR is the most dangerous state of mind, one can enter. Once you are fearful, you become paralyzed. You can overcome your FEAR by First Evaluate and then Authenticate your Reasoning to be fearful.

You will realize that Fear is just an emotion to warn you from danger. You can not get ride of fear but you can certainly overcome fear by analyzing the situation which makes you fearful.

Never live a day in fear, President FDR said “only thing you need to fear is Fear itself”

How to overcome fear? Do one thing every day that scares you. Advise given by Eleanor Roosevelt.

Paulo Coelho said” There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve, the fear of failure”

Nelson Mendela who spent most of his life in prison. He said”
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

To overcome your fears, you must list down all your fears and analyze them. Use my FEAR approach to over come your fears.

F = First Identify your fears
E = Evaluate your fears
A = Analyze your fears
R = Rationalize your fears

If you do all these steps, you will find out that you have the power to over come any fear you might have.

Don’t live your life in fear even for moment.

Overcome your fears and live a productive, meaningful happy and rewarding life!

Be fearless!
Jauher Zaidi
Stonegate, CA

Jauher Zaidi is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, co-founder and Chairman of Palmchip and CEO of Moobila, He can be reached at Jauher@moobila.com More info on linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jauherzaidi Moobila.com

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