Happiness SunFlower

By Jauher Zaidi

July 30, 2019

The old saying “Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.”

I planted this sunflower seed 8 weeks ago. With right dirt composition, temperature, water and sun, it has bloomed into beautiful sun flower. It grew to the right height first before the flower bud appeared and became a flower. It stands alone, each day focus itself towards Sun. It produces sunflower seeds which are good for our health.

What I learned from Sunflower:

1. Focus: How sunflower focus all day to not see the shadow. It turn its face to the sunshine and the shadows fall behind.

2. Patience: Growing sunflower from seed. It takes time to see results. Nothing happened overnight. Everything has a process.

3. Self Mastery: Sunflower stands alone. Runi wrote “It’s your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”

Always stay in the Happy State.

#stonegate #fallbrook #sunflower #happiness #Happystate

Jauher Zaidi is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, co-founder and Chairman of Palmchip and CEO of Moobila, He can be reached at Jauher@moobila.com More info on linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jauherzaidi Moobila.com

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