It’s Non of Your Business!

In actuality, it is your business.

The start of a new year is a great time to have business review to know where it stands and create a execution plan for the new year.

Planning for a New Year!

First Monday of the new year, I review my businesses to check where they currently stand.

It is important to list down three business goals for the year and create one page execution plan to achieve them.

• How is business performing?

• What are the business goals for the new year?

• What are the profitable ways to meet business goals?

As each year, new technologies advancements, new business models, new geopolitical situation and unexpected events like COVID can change course of any business. We must listen to our customers and the environment to adjust and plan for new year.

Set Business Goals

Evaluate numbers to determine where is your business stands. Set goals to accomplish where you want to take your business this year.

Be specific.

1. Sales target: Increase revenue 30% in the USA and 10% globally.

2. New product release by March 31st.

3. Setup new design center by June 1st.

Team Goals:

Operation, Marketing & Sales must be tied to

• BusIness Vision: Why did you start this business? Make sure all employees know and understand the company vision. Every action to generate a sales or develop a new technology or a service must serve the vision.

• Business Mission: It is the specifics of what business would like to accomplish in short time whether it’s developing a technology to help reduce water waste or providing a best price or service to customers to generate sale.

• Value Proposition: What would you like your employees and customers to experience? Great Service, lowest price or excellent quality. Every business need to articulate clearly the benefit for the customer. Why they should buy your product or service.

Articulating these three things to operation, marketing sales and support teams – business vision, current mission, and value proposition – will help create great strategy to accomplish this year goals.

The execution plan will affect everything from the number of employees you hire to the types of goods and services you offer.

Do a Business Check

I analyzed where business ideally like to be, figure out where business stands in relation to the goals. Sales figures are one way to measure how business is doing, but success can mean many things; it all comes down to what success means to YOU.

Money is likely a big factor, but it also helps to think in terms of company business vision and what kind of programs you have in place for your employees training and growth. Again, measure business against vision, mission and values proposition.

Choose Your Focus

Once we know where business is, compared to where it should be, we can start working out a focus plan on how to get there. Many times we make mistakes to list too many things to accomplish. In my experience, reduce them to three (3) items will help focus and accomplish the plan.

Choosing just 3 things to concentrate on will help us achieve our goals. It may sound simple, but focus on your strengths and away from your weaknesses.

Say NO often

As we all have many ideas and opportunities, the trick is to always keep your vision for the company and its purpose in mind. Say NO and Reject any ideas or opportunities that don’t fit the company vision.

Also park your ideas that you don’t have the resources or money for later.

Those ideas may be wonderful, but you’ll need the experienced people, facilities, time and money to put your ideas into motion, so don’t plan what you can’t pull off. It is not easy but practice and strong will help to understand what we can accomplish and what we can’t.

Concentrate on longer-term business goals, like how to grow the business, improve the products and services you offer, and improve the way you run your company.

Say NO often and Focus on one thing at a time.

Evaluate Your Plan’s

Review your plan on monthly basis and adjust to stay on track.

Keep the eye on the ball.

That’s your business.

Create your Happiness 2022 plan today!

Jauher Zaidi is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, co-founder and Chairman of Palmchip and CEO of Moobila, He can be reached at More info on linkedin:

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