13 Happiness BE Habits

Happiness is a state of mind that can be achieved by practicing certain habits that shape our state of mind and put us in the happy state.
Throughout my journey of creating numerous successful businesses, I have adopted 13 habits that have led me to achieve both happiness and success. These habits are innate to all of us; however, we tend to develop opposing habits due to factors such as upbringing, education, working environment, friends, and family.
I encourage you to go through these habits and assess if you possess them. If not, make an effort to cultivate them once more for a happiness life.

Here are the 13 habits for a happy and successful life:

  1. Be Clear – Clarity is the most important to achieve success which brings happiness, it’s important to have clarity about what you want and how you plan to get there. Set clear goals for yourself and create a roadmap to achieve them.
  2. Be Decisive – Procrastination can be the enemy of progress. When you’re faced with a decision, make it quickly and confidently. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they’re part of the learning process.
  3. Be Visionary – Take time to envision your future and what you want it to look like. Dream big and create your own world. The possibilities are endless if you allow yourself to think beyond the limitations of today.
  4. Be Excellent – Whatever you do, strive for excellence. Continuously learn and improve yourself. The more excellent you are, the more opportunities will come your way.
  5. Be Focused – Multitasking is a myth. To achieve your goals, focus on one task at a time. Eliminate distractions and concentrate your energy on one task.
  6. Be Urgent – Develop a sense of urgency and get things done in real-time. Don’t wait until the last minute to start working on something.
  7. Be Sensible – Think before you act. Consider the consequences of your actions and ask yourself if they make sense. Think about the future and results.
  8. Be Creative – Innovation and creativity are key to success. Look for ways to do things differently and more efficiently. Remove unnecessary steps to save time and energy.
  9. Be Considerate – Be mindful of your health, your environment, and the people around you. Choose your words wisely and consider how they will make others feel. Increase your knowledge on different subjects, sales, religions, and cultures.
  10. Be Committed – Stay committed to your goals, your job, your life, your family, and your afterlife. Don’t give up when things get tough.
  11. Be Courageous – Courage is necessary to achieve anything worthwhile. Face your fears and keep moving forward, even when you’re afraid.
  12. Be Unstoppable – Life will throw you curveballs, but don’t let them stop you from pursuing your dreams. Keep pushing forward, no matter what.
  13. Be Confident – Confidence comes from doing things over and over again. Practice, learn, and grow. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

Always stay in the happy state!

Jauher Zaidi is an entrepreneur, business advisor, investor, co-founder and Chairman of Palmchip and CEO of Moobila, He can be reached at Jauher@moobila.com More info on linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/jauherzaidi Moobila.com

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