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13 Happiness BE Habits

Happiness is a state of mind that can be achieved by practicing certain habits that shape our state of mind and put us in the happy state.Throughout my journey of creating numerous successful businesses, I have adopted 13 habits that

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Happiness Killing Habits

Happiness Killers! Benjamin Franklin wrote“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” —– This flower was showered with water from the sprinkler this morning. The care and routine to make this plant

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Happiness Sadness

#223 There is more sadness today as many have lost close family members and friends to COVID-19 and now to Omicron. The news shows consistently people loosing life and their life saving due to nature disasters, people loosing money due

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It’s Non of Your Business!

In actuality, it is your business. The start of a new year is a great time to have business review to know where it stands and create a execution plan for the new year. Planning for a New Year! First

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Happiness Why

Why Happiness Matters?Happiness is more than a feeling good or a smiley face or having material things. It’s the attitude of accepting ourself, our circumstances which we are put in everyday and learn to navigate our life, and the goal

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Tips to maintain business relationships during the coronavirus shutdown

Like most of you, I have never experienced a global shutdown like this one. And as we can see, no one was really prepared for such a thing.  With businesses not considered “essential” closed, many people are wondering what’s next?

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Happiness 2020

The 2020 will bring many opportunities to create happiness. This is a 2020 vision year. New technologies like AI, ML and Blockchain will help us to be more productive and secure. Start of New Year is great time to analyze

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7 Happiness Tricks

1. Smile Smily face emits serotonin (the happy hormone). Smile is not just from the lips. Real smiles comes out from our eyes and enter through other person’s eye as love, peace and friendship. When people take photo, I smile.

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Happiness SunFlower

By Jauher Zaidi July 30, 2019 The old saying “Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.” I planted this sunflower seed 8 weeks ago. With right dirt composition, temperature, water and sun, it has bloomed into beautiful

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Happiness Reset

#163 By Jauher Zaidi July 24, 2019 Whenever, I have a setback by missing my goal, missing an opportunity or loosing an argument. I do a “Happiness Reset” just like our Day. Sunset is a reset for the day. Our

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